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Replacing locking switch

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Replacing locking switch
From: TR6me@cs.com
Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 22:02:36 EDT
I just did this little project the other day. It is  straight forward up to 
the point you want to remove the bolts securing the locking mechanism to the 
steering column.
This is how I did it.
1. Disconnect your negative terminal on the battery (you don't want to do any 
unplanned welding)
2. Remove the black surround around the locking mechanism
3. Remove the four bolts that connect the support bracket (Looks like an H )
4. Now comes the fun part.... You will have to drill out the bolts that 
secure the lock. The reason for this is that, when they were installed, a 
process by which the top of the bolt is broken off like a pop rivet for 
security purposes, it makes it impossible to remove the steering lock. Be 
carefully because the aluminum body of the lock has threads you don't want to 
tear up.
5. now that it's off match up a set a bolts that will fit the thread and 
reinstall lock. Then simply replace  other supports and hook up wiring.
6. Don't forget to hook up the negative terminal like me.... I couldn't 
figure it out, dam thing didn't have any power.....

Good luck

Mark Johnson
73 TR6

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