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Filling Gearboxes and Diffs

To: "6 pack list" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Filling Gearboxes and Diffs
From: "Rex R. Townsend" <rrt@connectexpress.com>
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 23:14:24 -0700
There frequently is discussion on the list about the easiest way to refill
the transmission and/or diff for a routine service.  I used to use a suction
gun to refill the gearbox, but found that all the suction guns I tried
usually leaked fairly dramatically, causing me to slide out from underneath
the car with most of my body (including my hair) covered with that
sulfur-smelling gear oil.  Now I use a little plastic pump which I
discovered at my local auto parts store.  The pump screws on to the bottle
of gear oil and has a clear, flexible hose which I place into the filler
hole.  It doesn't take too many minutes of pumping before the gearbox is
full of oil and I come out much cleaner!

Rex Townsend

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