> -----Original Message-----
> From: clifford.pope@virgin.net [mailto:clifford.pope@virgin.net]
> Sent: 05 February 2001 14:21
> To: 2000-register@autox.team.net
> Subject: Anyone there?
> Hello,
> Yes, I am here, but like you I wondered where everyone had
> gone. I used
> to get 2 or 3 letters a day, and any queries I posted resulted in a
> flood of replies. Jonmac told me there was hardly anyone on the list
> now, so it wasn't a very good one for queries.
As a former 2000 owner, I've subscribed to this list since day one. By the
time we got to own another 2000 last November and actually needed some help,
I'd not seen any traffic from this list for several months - I assumed it
had folded. I set up an eGroup for 2000/2500 owners, but that too has very
limited traffic, quite unlike the Herald eGroup which is thriving.
Maybe everyone's car is just running fine?
/// 2000-register@autox.team.net mailing list